Sales Order and Purchase Order Tables and Classes
SalesOrder Classes and Tables:
SalesTableType and SaleslineType classes will get called while creating the SalesOrders.
classes will be used to post the sales order at various document status (packing, invoice etc).
SalesTable contains all SalesOrder headers regardless whether they have been posted or not.
The SalesParmTable and SalesParmLine contains detailed information regarding posting sales headers and Lines.
CustConfirmJour and CustConfirmTrans tables contains all Sales Confirmation headers and Lines posted in Dynamic Ax originating from Sales Orders and Lines.
CustPackingSlipJour and CustPackingSlipTrans tables contains all sales PackingSlip headers and Lines posted in Dynamic Ax originating from Sales Orders and Lines.
CustInvoiceJour and CustInvoiceTrans tables contains all sales all Sales Invoice headers and Lines posted in Dynamic Ax originating from Sales Orders and Lines.
Purchase Order classes and Tables:
PurchTableType and PurchTableLine classes will get called while creating the PurchaseOrders.
classes will be used to post the PurchaseOrder at various document status (packing, invoice etc).
PurchTable contains all purchase order headers regardless whether they have been posted or not.
PurchParmTable and PurchParmLine contains detailed information regarding posting Purchase headers and Lines.
VendPurchOrderJour and VendPurchOrderTrans tables contains Purchase requisition headers and lines.(i.e purchase confirmation details.)
VendReceiptsListJour contains Posted purchase receipt headers.VendReceiptsListPurchLink contains purchase receipt relations.
VendReceiptsListTrans contains Posted purchase receipt Lines.
VendReceiptsJour and VendReceiptsTrans tables contains posted receipt header and lines.
VendPackingSlipJour and VendPackingSlipTrans tables contains posted packingslip headers and lines.
VendInvoiceJour and VendInvoiceTrans tables contains all invoiced purchase order headers and Lines.
VendInvoiceInfoTable and VendInvoiceInfoLine tables contains Vendor invoice headers and lines for specific purchase order.
As per my observation through debugging:
FormletterService class will be triggered for when updating sales orders, purchase orders from FormletterServiceController Class.
Purchase Order posting methods:
postPurchaseOrderConfirmation :Posts a purchase order confirmation.
postPurchaseOrderReceiptList:Posts a purchase order receipt list.
postPurchaseOrderPackingSlip: Posts a purchase order packing slip.
postPurchaseOrderInvoice:Posts a purchase order invoice.
SalesOrder posting methods:
postSalesOrderConfirmation:Posts a sales order confirmation.
postSalesOrderPickingList:Posts a sales order picking list.
postSalesOrderPackingSlip:Posts a sales order packing slip.
postSalesOrderInvoice:Posts a sales order invoice.
Happy Daxing !!!