Friday, December 22, 2017

X++ code read a dynamic query range value in ax 2012 r3

query = new query();

ex :
 query  = Query  object 3300db70: SELECT SUM(AvailPhysical), SUM(PMUOM1Qty), SUM(PMUOM2Qty), SUM(PMNetWeight) FROM InventSum(InventSum_1) GROUP BY InventSum.ItemId, InventDim.inventBatchId, InventDim.configId, InventDim.InventColorId, InventDim.InventStyleId, InventDim.InventSiteId, InventDim.InventSizeId, InventDim.InventLocationId, InventDim.wMSLocationId JOIN * FROM InventDim(InventDim_1) ON InventSum.InventDimId = InventDim.inventDimId AND ((configId = N'C000002')) AND ((InventLocationId = N'WH00002')) AND ((InventSiteId = N'Barcelona'))

queryRun.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventDim)).rangeField(fieldNum(InventDim, inventLocationid)).value()

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

X++ code to find current legal entity Country region

static void FindCountryregionforLegalentity(Args _args)
    CompanyInfo    company;
    boolean         isIsoUS       = SysCountryRegionCode::isLegalEntityInCountryRegion([#isoUS]);
    if(isIsoUS == true)

Friday, June 30, 2017

X++ code to Set Default dimension based on Dimension attribute and finanacial dimension Display Value in AX 2012

X++ code to Set Default dimension based on Dimension attribute and finanacial dimension Display Value in AX 2012 

1)Here DimensionDefault is financial dimension combination( i.e recid),
2)Name is Like Dimension attribute name(ex Department).
3)_dimvalue is Displayvalue

public static DimensionDefault setDefaultDimension(DimensionDefault defaultDimension, Name _dimensionAttributeName, str  _dimValue)


    DimensionAttributeValue             dimAttrValue;

    DimensionAttribute                  dimAttr;

    DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage   dimAttrValueSetStorage;

    dimAttrValueSetStorage = DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage::find(defaultDimension);

    dimAttr         = DimensionAttribute::findByName(_dimensionAttributeName);

    dimAttrValue    = DimensionAttributeValue::findByDimensionAttributeAndValue(dimAttr, _dimValue, false, true);






    return defaultDimension;


Keep Daxing :)

x++ code to find Financial dimension Display value for based on default dimension with respective Dimension attribute in ax 2012

Hi Reader's,

lets learn small tip to show up display value based on default dimension with respective Dimension attribute in ax 2012


1)Here DimensionDefault is financial dimension combination( i.e recid),
2)Name is Like Dimension attribute name(ex Department).

public static DimensionValue getDimensionValue(DimensionDefault _dimensionDefault, Name _dimensionAttributeName)
    DimensionAttribute                 attribute;
    DimensionAttributeValueSetItemView valueSetItemView;

    attribute   = DimensionAttribute::findByName(_dimensionAttributeName);

    select DisplayValue from valueSetItemView
        where valueSetItemView.DimensionAttributeValueSet == _dimensionDefault
        && valueSetItemView.DimensionAttribute == attribute.RecId;

    return valueSetItemView.DisplayValue;

Keep Daxing !!!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Tables hit while creating Service orders up to invoice posting  in ax 2012

Tables hit while creating Service orders up to invoice posting  in ax 2012
The flow data will be as follows.
SMAServiceOrderTable >> SMAServiceOrderLine>> InventJournalTrans>> ProjItemTrans>> ProjProposalItem>> ProjInvoiceItem>> ProjProposalItemDetail>> ProjItemTransSale

SMAServiceOrderTable: The SMAServiceOrderTable table contains service orders. The service orders can be linked to agreements or be stand-alone orders that are linked to projects.

SMAServiceOrderLine: The SMAServiceOrderLine table contains service order lines that specify the detailed work, items, fees, and expenses of an individual service order.

InventJournalTrans : The InventJournalTrans table contains information about items and represents a line in an inventory journal. Each record has information related to a specific item and is related to a record in the InventJournalTable table, which is the journal header.

ProjItemTrans: The ProjItemTrans table is used to store posted item transactions of projects.  Posting an item journal will create records on this table.(i.e Posted service orders).

ProjProposalItem :The ProjProposalItem table stores project invoice proposal lines of the item transaction type.  The ProjProposalItem records are the item transactions that will be billed to the customer when the invoice proposal is posted.

ProjInvoiceItem :The ProjInvoiceItem table stores posted project invoice lines of the item transaction type.  Posting an invoice proposal with item transactions will create records in the ProjInvoiceItem table.

ProjProposalItemDetail :The ProjProposalItemDetail table stores the project invoice proposal lines of item transactions. These records are the item transactions that will be billed to the customer when the invoice proposal is posted.

ProjItemTransSale:The ProjItemTransSale table contains project item sale transactions.

Keep Daxing !!!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

X++ code for Look up to filter only Global Addresses with respect to Purpose :: Like Delivery Addresses.

Hi Folk's

Recently,I was gone through with an weird requirement to filter the Global Addresses with respect to Purpose :: Like Delivery Addresses.

Note : Here the form control is Reference group.

public Common lookupReference(FormReferenceControl _formReferenceControl)


    Query                       query;

    QueryBuildDataSource        qbds,qbds1,qbds2,qbds3;

    QueryBuildRange             qbr;

    SysReferenceTableLookup     sysRefTableLookup;

    LogisticsPostalAddress      logisticsPostalAddress;

    sysRefTableLookup = SysReferenceTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(LogisticsPostalAddress),_formReferenceControl,true);



    query = new Query();

    qbds  = query.addDataSource(tableNum(LogisticsPostalAddress));

    qbds1 = qbds.addDataSource(tableNum(DirPartyLocation));




    qbds2 = qbds1.addDataSource(tableNum(DirPartyLocationRole));



    qbds3 = qbds2.addDataSource(tableNum(LogisticsLocationRole)); 



    qbr = qbds3.addRange(fieldNum(LogisticsLocationRole,Type));



    logisticsPostalAddress = sysRefTableLookup.performFormLookup();

    return logisticsPostalAddress;


Keep Daxing !!!

Monday, April 24, 2017

x++ code to disable filter in lookup code in Ax2012

Hi Folks,

After a long gap due to busy schedule..

Today,Lets learn small trick ,how to disable filter in lookup code in Ax2012

public void lookup(FormControl _formControl, str _filterStr)


    SysTableLookup          sysTableLookup;

    Query                   query;

    QueryBuildDataSource    qbds;

    QueryBuildRange         qbr;

    //super(_formControl, _filterStr);

    sysTableLookup  = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(InventTable),_formControl);




    query = new Query();

    qbds  = query.addDataSource(tableNum(InventTable));

    qbr   = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(InventTable,ItemType));


    qbr.status(RangeStatus::Hidden); //Itemtype Filter disable




Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Troubleshooting Data Import Export Framework issues & Conversion error

Known issues

There are some known issues which you should be aware of when you start using Data Import Export Framework or when you encounter some unexpected errors.
for more known issues you can use Issue search on Lifecycle services.

Start troubleshooting

When running the tool, you might notice some issues when data is incorrect. Initially you don’t know if errors are related to the source file or due to a setting or bug. How would you find out what is wrong? I will try to help you with the next notes. First of all, there can be errors at several stages.
  • Staging status
  • Target status
To be able to determine at what stage the processing stopped, you can view the status in the form Processing history.

Staging errors

For the reproduction of this error I created a small source file for Inventory opening transactions with the next lines.
When you look carefully at the contents, you may find already some incorrect and inconsistent values, but assume you have a file with thousands of lines, you will not check the lines yourself, wouldn’t you?
When there is an error on the Staging status you would expect to view some errors in the Error log. It could be the case that this error log does not have details to be able to see what is wrong with the import. For example, the option View error file is disabled and Staging log details does not provide any details.
What would be needed to do to have details available? The answer can be found in a parameter and an import option.
On the Data import/export framework parameters you can enable the option Create error file. This option will be used as default when you start a new import.
The option Create error file is an additional option which is defaulted from the parameter setting. You can also change the setting on this step. When it is enabled, the details are captured and stored in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Note that this will have a performance penalty and would be useful for troubleshooting only. When running the import where the Create error file option is enabled, the View error file option is enabled.
When clicking this button, AX will open a file which has only the lines that have an issue.
In many cases you will not be able to note on which line which field(s) would have caused the error. So how can we find out about this?
Together with the generation of the error file, also detailed information has been captured. When you now open the Staging log details form, you will get the information about violations.
Now we know that there are issues with values in the QTY and TRANSDATE columns. On purpose I used the comma instead of a dot for the decimal separator on one line. Also a month ’13’ does not exists. The date format depends on the Language locale field which can be setup on the Source data format.
If you have issues where the file looks fine, but no data is imported, you should check the Code page and Unicode settings on the Source data format. The source file might have another code page compared to the one that was setup in AX.

Target errors

When the staging data has been loaded successfully, you can view the staging records and validate the result manually and also use the validation to see if there would be any knows errors in upfront. The above used file has been modified to correct the data type violations, but the item numbers has been edited to have items in the file that does not exist in the Microsoft Dynamics AX demo company.
Using the Validate all option, no errors were reported. If there were errors, you can import a new file or correct the data in the staging details.
As the validation is successful, the target step was executed. In this case I got an error. You can then go to the execution history to read the error details. In this example I got the next log.
Using the Infolog, you can view all the details. In this case the Item ID is filled in the staging with a value that does not exists, so the data is not copied. Upon saving the record, the journal line is validated and raises this error. The error would be solved using the correct item numbers.

There is more

When using Data Import Export Framework, sometimes you can get some other errors. This post is intended to get you familiar with the data troubleshooting. Did you also get an error “Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value ‘XXXX’ to data type int” on a custom built entity?

If you want to learn about the cause and how to solve this, watch my next post coming. Make sure you subscribe if you don`t want to miss it!

When Microsoft designed the Data Import Export Framework in AX2012 it provided some entities out of the box. In many scenarios you will be missing an entity. You can create your own entities in the development environment from scratch or you can use the wizard which will create the basic objects required for your new entity. Sometimes you might run into errors and you should start troubleshooting. This post will provide a walkthrough how to create an entity. When finished this entity has an error due to conversion of an enumeration field. A solution for this problem is also provided at the end of this blog.

Create a new entity

Suppose you are in the need for a new entity based on the Inventory posting setup. The next steps should be taken to create a new one based on the table InventPosting.
  1. Start Data Import Export Framework > Common > Create a custom entity for data import/export.
  2. Fill the value InventPosting in the Table name field or select this table using the lookup. Then click Next.
  3. Specify the InventPosting value in the field Display menu item name. This is the menu item that will be used when you want to drill down to the target data from e.g. the staging view. Click Next.
  4. Select the fields which should be supported within the new entity. Continue and finish the wizard.
  5. During the creation of the entity you might be asked to create relations on the new staging table. Always answer this question with Yes. If you choose No, an important relation to the target table might be missing, which could cause the execution only able to insert records and not update existing records.
  6. During the process you might also see database synchronization starts. Don’t abort this process. It could lead to wrong string lengths in the DMF tables which holds the field mappings.
    The wizard created a new private project with all minimum required objects for the entity. For reference fields based on record-ID references, fields of a string type are created in the staging table. To be able to map the correct value, generateXXXXX methods are created to be able to handle the conversion.
  7. In this example the generateLedgerDimension method has been implemented fully with the correct coding. This might not be the case in every version of Data Import Export Framework in AX 2012. Compile the full project to see possible errors or open tasks.
  8. It appears that the method generateCategoryRelation has not been filled with the required coding. It has an //TODO section stating you have to implement the correct coding.DIXFEnum07
  9. Next to the coding, you also need to implement the DMFTargetTransFieldListAttribute correctly. This will provide knowledge to the entity which field(s) are used as input to find a record ID of the referenced table. The way to specify the fields are different in AX 2012 R3 and AX 2012 R2. Have a look at my blog post Change in data import export framework where this has been explained.
    The complete method might look like the next screenshot when you have completed the task.DIXFEnum08
  10. In the previous method, the fields for input are defined, also the return field must be specified in the getReturnFields method. As there is no //TODO section in this method created by the wizard, you might overlook this part, causing the outcome of this method not linked automatically to the target field. So add the coding for the return field for the Category relation.
  11. Compile the project, synchronize the tables and run an Incremental or full CIL compilation.
The entity is now ready to be setup in the Target entities form and use it in a Processing group.

Conversion error

As told in the introduction, this entity will raise errors. This is at the time of copying data to the target. What is the exact error? What causes it? How to solve this? This will be explained below.
For the test I did create a very small CSV file with some records that could be used in the demonstration company USMF.
DIXFEnum10The source to staging was executed without problems. Note that the correct string values for the Account type are inserted in the staging table.
DIXFEnum11When you want to execute the Copy data to Target step, the job fails. The next error will be visible.
The error is stating that a nvarchar (string) field is not possible to convert to and int (integer). This is related to the enumeration fields in this table, for sure. But I learned that the enumeration conversion is working with the label, enumeration text and value number, so why is this failing?
After debugging and looking at the SQL statement it is noticed that it is not caused by the conversion from the staging to the target value for enumeration fields, but the attempt to find an existing record. AX tries to join the target and staging table record in a query to find a possible record to update instead of creating a new one. This join is build based on the InventPosting relation on the staging table. Below you will see the fields marked which are incorrect. Why?
This relation is automatically created by the wizard based on the primary index of the target table. It used the replacement key index in case of a record ID index and if this replacement key is unique.
But now the 64000 dollar question: How to solve it?
It is good to know that there are two attempts on finding an existing record. The first attempt is a query which is code based created where the staging and target table are linked using the table relation to the Target table. Just removing this relation will not solve the problem. It will then think there is no relation, so only records will be inserted at any time. The target table will then raise duplicate key errors.
Removing the incorrect fields from the relation is also not a good idea. It will then find the wrong existing records and will cause updating these existing records in stead of creating new records. This is the case when e.g. the values for Item and Customer relation are the same, but the only difference is in the Account type selection.
So now we have to know how and when the second attempt is executed and how this works. If the first attempt will not find any existing record, it will then find a record in the target table based on the replacement key of the target table. If there is no replacement key, it will try find an existing record based on primary index if this is not containing the Record ID field.
So we have to cheat AX to have no record found in the first attempt. For that, we need to delete all fields relations and create an impossible relation. E.g. a record ID from the staging table will be linked to the relation type field on the target table. Record IDs usually start with high numbers, so it will never find an existing record with low relation type values. In this way the first query method will have no existing record found and the second attempt is working correctly for this table.DIXFEnum14
If you make the changes and saves, compiles the table, you can rerun the target execution step which will now give the correct outcome without error.
Before you implement a similar cheat on your entities, make sure you test it carefully in a separate environment to make sure it will work correctly.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Tips about Data Import Export Framework performance


When Microsoft started the investments to build the Data Import Export Framework (DIXF), they considered many performance choices. In addition it should provide a solution for the normalized data model where many tables are linked using a foreign key relation based on record IDs.
The source is now first loaded into a staging table without any business logic like events for validating data or add rules in insert methods. Then from the staging table the data is copied to the target table(s) where also business logic will be used. In an older version of Microsoft Dynamics AX, I had to deal with importing over 60000 fixed assets with each 4 value models, acquisition value and cumulated depreciation. So in total there were over 240000 value models and almost 500000 journal lines to be posted for the opening balance. Usually within one flat Excel file with a certain template I used a script to read the Excel lines, create assets, post acquisition values, depreciation values and then correct value models for the number of remaining depreciation periods. This script was working where at a maximum 400 assets were loaded.  The 240000 value models and 500000 transactions should take about 6-8 days for processing according to a calculation. Then we did also create a staging table which contained the Excel columns. From within AX we could process the business logic using the batch framework which solved the problem and the transactions could be converted within the given timeframe. So this architecture is a good implementation.
A very cool part of the DIXF framework is the use of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to get the source into the staging tables. Microsoft did a real amazing good job here. The next picture shows the flow in general. It does not explain which part of the DIXF binary components (dll extensions) will take care of what part of the integration with SSIS.
Data Import Export Framework PerformanceThe setup of processing groups in AX is the base for SSIS packages which will pick up the source records and will put it with our without some basic transformations in the staging table. SSIS is very efficient and really a winner on performance for this type of tasks.

Performance tips

However Microsoft seems to have invested a lot in performance for the Data Import Export Framework, you might encounter some performance issues. You also need to be aware of some standard behavior and features to get the best performance on executing the import jobs. It would be recommended to not change objects when there is no real need for more performance. If you make changes on your environment based on this blog post, make sure you test it thoroughly. Changing your environment is at your own risk.

Staging tips

  • Index usage
    Make sure the unique index starts with the fields DefinitionGroup and ExecutionID. E.g. in various AX 2012 environments the staging table for Ledger opening balances (DMFLedgerJournalEntity) has an index which does not start with these fields. This will cause write and read action being slower. This is causing fragmented indexes. These two fields are key for Dynamics AX to have records grouped per processing group and execution steps. When these fields are not first fields in the index, it would be like searching in a phone book that is sorted on the phone number instead of the city and last name.
    When you use the wizard to create a new entity you have to check the primary index as the two mentioned fields may not be on the correct place. But like I said, also check existing entities.
    Performance tips Data Import Export Framework
    Disable obsolete indexes. This has less impact on performance compared to the previous tip. An obsolete index will be updated, but could potentially help when you filter within the staging history details. So try to estimate the impact before going into this direction.
  • Conversion/Auto generated
    When possible avoid usage of converting values and auto numbering. This will lead to some additional variables in the SSIS packages. If it would be possible to pre-fill some values in the source, it would be quicker during the source to staging process.

Target tips

  • Number of tasks when running in batch can be set to divide work over multiple batch threads and servers. If you have a file with a very large number of records, you can setup e.g. 24 tasks. When there are 240000 records it would create tasks with bundles of 10000 records. See also the next two items as these are related to this tip.
  • When possible you can increase the number of batch servers during data migration. Usually a customer environment can have e.g. 4 AOS servers where one was setup to run as a batch server. It would be possible to temporary add the other AOS servers to act also as batch server. Don’t install multiple instances of an AOS on the same server as they would then have to share the CPU capacity.
  • Maximum of threads on batch server. You can test if adding more threads or just reducing the number would be of benefit for the performance. The default value is 8. Some sites mentions that  2 threads per core, is recommended but you can try to play with this setting.
  • Prevent usage of Run business logic and validations. Use it only when really required. E.g. inventory journal entities need to have business logic enabled on insert methods. But when there is no need to call insert, update or validation methods, don’t enable them.
  • Temporary disable indexes on target table(s) which are not set to be unique. A nice example is the Journal lines table (LedgerJournalTrans. This table is a record holder with the number of indexes. When you disable them during the staging to target execution step, they will not be maintained during the data import. After the import has been completed, you can enable them which will rebuild the balances much faster that during write actions of the data import.
    Performance tips Data Import Export Framework

There is more…

There can be more possibilities of improving performance. Some settings can be related to SQL server tuning, but also the hardware you are using. Also there are two settings in the DIXF parameters which could cause performance problems when you change it to the wrong settings. One field is Data access mode. This field is a setting for SSIS. When it has NOT the fast load option, the records are committed one by one. So use the fast load setting. When a post man has 10 letters for the same address, he can insert them one by one or all at once. The last option is comparable with the fast load option. The Maximum insert commit size field is used to tell how many records will be inserted during before a commit command will be executed. E.g. the mailbox has a height to only insert 5 letters. Then 2 inserts are needed to put in the 10 letters. The default value is 2147483647 which actually means there is no limitation and al records will be committed at once. When you have e.g. a limited size for your TempDB on the SQL server, you may need to verify this setting to e.g. have 100000 records per commit action.
Performance tips Data Import Export Framework

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Question can we extend an interface class in abstract class ??

Hi Reader's

I have a Question can we extend an interface class in abstract class ??

Answer: Yes, we can Lets follow the Standard Class of AxSalesTable

class AxSalesTable extends AxInternalBase implements AxInventSiteDimensionable

X++ Method parameters actually pass by value or reference?

Hi Daxer's,

I have confusion regarding pass by value and pass by reference, so i have gone through this as below

Generally, parameter passing in DAX is always done by value except for class instances and records.

Major base types in Dynamics Ax
String = Assigned and passed by VALUE
Integer = Assigned and passed by VALUE
Real = Assigned and passed by VALUE
Date = Assigned and passed by VALUE
Enum = Assigned and passed by VALUE
Container = Assigned and passed by VALUE
Record = Assigned and passed by REFERENCE
Class instance (any object instanciated with ‘new()‘) = Assigned and passed by REFERENCE
AnyType = Assigned and passed by VALUE, even when holding a Record or Class instance
Guid = Assigned and passed by VALUE
Int64 = Assigned and passed by VALUE

X++ code to Check and Uncheck ExecuteBusinessOperationsInCIL based on userid

Hi Folks,

Today is my post about new concept and trick how to check and uncheck ExecuteBusinessOperationsinCIL based on Userid.

static void CILCHANGE(Args _args)
    UserInfo userinfo;
        select forUpdate userinfo where userinfo.networkAlias == "dmsnxtl2.hd1";
    if( userInfo.DebugInfo ==268)
        info(strFmt("CIL Disabled"));
        info(strFmt("CIL Enabled"));


Happy Holli !!!

Export a copy of the standard user acceptance testing (UAT) database

 Reference link: Export a copy of the standard user acceptance testing (UAT) database - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft ...